
The Explorer Section has an age range of 14 – 17 years old.

Explorers do a wide range of things but by this age range, the emphasis has changed to allow them to play a big part in deciding what they want to do as a unit. There are no real limits to what can be done – we regularly go camping, do day visits, and even just chill out together round a camp fire!

Our Explorer Section meets on a Monday 19:30 – 21:00 during term time where we are offering the Duke of Edinburgh awards as well as working towards the top awards in Scouting leading to the Queen Scout’s award.   

Many of our Explorers are also Young Leaders with the group where they are completing their Young Leader training which counts towards the volunteering for the D of E award. Congratulations to the 7 Explorer Scouts who obtained their Bronze D of E award and their Chief Scouts Platinum award

The Explorers have continued to help Somerset Wildlife Trust at Great Breech Wood as part of their community work. On the 26th of July two Leaders departed in the early hours of  morning to drive to Harwich towing a trailer with all the camping equipment so the Explorers could go to the Haarlem Jamboretta in the Netherlands. The Explorers all flew out the next day for 10 amazing days of activities with a contingent from Estonia. Two of the Explorers briefly broke the record for the 40Km Punisher hike. They cycled round Amsterdam, visited a water park and enjoyed the evening entertainment which included a silent disco. Many lasting friendships were created. The next Haarlem Jamboretta will be in 2023 and we are already starting to plan to go again.

If you would like to join please complete the  Get in Touch – Join us form or email info@somertonscoutgroup.org.uk






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